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Labor law

We can advise you on a wide variety of options for drafting and structuring employment contracts. For example, the law governing part-time and fixed-term work is now playing an increasingly important role in this area. It offers clients an attractive alternative to recruiting permanent employees – but requires precise knowledge of the relevant case law.
We also draw up contracts for executives and freelancers. When drafting employment contracts for managing directors, we can also advise you on their social security liability and, if necessary, ensure their status is determined by Deutsche Rentenversicherung (the German Federal Pension Insurance Association).
Together with our tax advisers, we attempt to avoid constructive dividends in advance by drafting agreements appropriately.

We can also advise you on all issues relating to the law governing partial retirement and short-time working. If you wish to provide company vehicles for your staff, we will clarify the tax treatment and draft the relevant agreements together with our tax advisers.

We also offer expert advice on all matters concerning the law governing vacation, the Mutterschutzgesetz (German Maternity Protection Act) and the new Elterngeldgesetz (German Parental Allowance Act).

In the case of acquisitions or sales of companies, we can advise you on all issues relating to the transfer of operations resulting in changes in the workforce and in working conditions.

If you wish to part company with an employee, we will support you in all matters relating to winding up the contractual relationship and to the Kündigungsschutzgesetz (German Employment Protection Act). We will prepare termination agreements and severance provisions, advise you on drafting a reference and represent your interests – including in labor court proceedings if necessary.
